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tamoadmin 2024-08-21 人已围观

简介1.求一分关于“奥运有我”的英语短文。2.学校要求写一篇关于奥运圣火志愿者的简报,帮帮忙3.英语作文志愿者30字4.八年级英语作文 设2008年奥运会已经开始了,你做为一名奥运会的志愿者向外国朋友介绍一下北京81、明确你当志愿者的动机和目的One,clear your volunteer motivation and purpose2、考察自身条件,量力而行Two, on their own co




4.八年级英语作文 设2008年奥运会已经开始了,你做为一名奥运会的志愿者向外国朋友介绍一下北京8



One,clear your volunteer motivation and purpose


Two, on their own conditions,?


Three, has a mature and stable psychological quality


Four, obey the leadership and command of the volunteer service team


Five, the overall situation, not arbitrary


Six, a clear understanding of the content and nature of your volunteer service


Seven, calm treatment of your volunteer service in the process of doing the situation and problems encountered


Eight, prudent, maintain a good attitude


Volunteer work is often a long long adhere to the process, and the need for groups together to struggle and hard work, is the personal heroism into trouble of.


Since walking forward, firmly tell yourself, "I am a volunteer".



1、志愿者活动 Volunteer Activity

In recent years, the volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people, especially among youngsters。?

According to a survey, in 2008, there were about 1,700,000 volunteers who offered service for Olympic Games。

Actually, an increasing number of people bee volunteers in China every year。


Volunteering actions are of tremendous benefits to both those in need and the society。 Olympic Games are a good example。

As is known to all, volunteers played an active role in Beijing Olympic Games。 Without them, it would be a tough task to hold this un-precedent Olympic Games。

Therefore, we can say that it was those volunteers who ensured the success of these games。



As modern college students, we should get actively involved in volunteering activities。 By participating, we can learn how to work well in a team,

how to improve our interpersonal skills and organizational ability。 Undouedly, all of these are critical for our person growth。

So, we should take this chance to learn and to grow。




In recent years, the volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people, especially among youngsters。?

According to a survey, in 2008, there were about 1,700,000 volunteers who offered service for Olympic Games。?

Actually, an increasing number of people bee volunteers every year in China。

Volunteering actions are of tremendous benefits to both those in need and the society。 Olympic Games are a good example。?

As is known to all, volunteers played an active role in Beijing Olympic Games。 Without them, it would be a tough task to hold this un-precedent Olympic Games。

Therefore, we can say that it was those volunteers who ensured the success of these games。

As modern college students, we should get actively involved in volunteering activities。 By participating, we can learn how to work well in a team,

how to improve our interpersonal skills and organizational ability。 Undouedly, all of these are critical for our person growth。

So, we should take this chance to learn and to grow。?


The Benefits of Volunteering

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are willing to serve as volunteers especially the university students in?

that they consider that volunteering is not only a great contribution to our society and those who are in need, but also improves themselves in many aspects。


For one thing, there is no dou that volunteering makes contribution to our society and people in need。?

The volunteers provide their assistance without requiring any financial rewards。 Their contributions he a great impact on harmony society contribution。


For another, serving as a volunteer is also beneficial to the volunteers themselves。 They can improve their munication skills when providing help for others。

One of the examples is that the university students who serve in Canton Fair will get a great chance to practical their English and get in touch with different kinds of people as well as broad their horizon。

In addition, by serving as different kinds of volunteers, they are easier to understand themselves and know in which fields they are interested。



In a word, volunteering has brought many benefits to our society, those who are in need as well as the volunteers themselves。?

Therefore, let us enjoy the time when serving as a volunteer。



Nowadays, there is a increasing number for people to join in the activities of volunteering。?

It’s well-known that volunteering job is making contribution to the society with nothing in return。It’s like the Leifeng spirit。?

However, knowing this, there are still many people would like to devote themseves in this trend。 For instance, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has so many volunteers。

They made lots of contribution to the success of opening the Olympics。?

Moreover, we can often see that there many students go to geroium to visit the old to bring warm to the lonely people。

Even there are some people’s career is volunteer。 They are ready to help others。 Although the volunteers are much more mon,

we still need to thanks them to admire them devoting themseves to the society。


Li Ming want to become Olympic volunteers. He tnink that he should make a contribution to Owen. His 16-year-old, love his father and mother. It is a hy family. Him to believe that he can volunteer activities in a very good performance, this exercise can also enrich his knowledge, to open his mind. at the same time, he can also come from different countries and the people to improve the exchange of his English skills. him think that this is the good exercise!





不闯灯、不越线、不酒后驾车、不乱停乱放……昨天,全市300名公交、出租车司机共同发出了“文明行车 从我做起”的倡议,为即将到来的第29届奥运会做准备。






Today, in front of the National Museum of the Olympic countdown card figures show that just 800 days, we eagerly looked forward to for a long time, 2008 will be the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing. Not new lights, and not cross the line, and not drink driving, not Luantingluanfang : : Yesterday, the city's 300 buses, taxi drivers issued jointly "civilized journey starting with me" initiative for the upcoming 29th Olympic Games preparation. Olympics gradually roaching, and as we ordinary people in the excitement I, but should use their own civilization action to meet the arrival of the Olympic Games. Olympics is a sports event is held to States, organized the city's comprehensive quality tests, which include economic level, the management level, and so on, which is particularly important that the public were more civilized. Olympic short 10 days, tens of thousands of athletes gathered in urban areas is the most worrying thing. Beijing Lu very block is an indisputable fact that, with the city's rapid development will bring results, but it is undeniable with some great drivers uncivilized traffic. Arbitrarily and lines, stop, drink driving, etc., these uncivilized acts, not only to Lu Tian Du, the more people they Tiandu. The Beijing transit, a taxi driver driving initiatives civilization is the civilization with their own actions contribute to the improvement of the Beijing traffic, but also for Olympic glory. Of course, the Olympics is not just a matter drivers were equally different things. The Olympic Games, how magnificent language and does not require a grand activities, but we need to begin to act, as the driver to drive civilization, pedestrians he to follow the rules, vendors should abide by integrity : : Only people are civilized, to comply with laws, regulations and public morality, I believe 08 of the Olympic Games will be the best Olympic Games ever.









Olympic Games and me

I am looking forward the Beijing Olympics on August 8, 2008 very much. This is the opening cenemony of the Beijing Olympic Games, and the day the world sports family gathering together, as well as the day Chinese people are really proud of.

As a small master, I really want to become a glorious Olympic volunteer, but I still too little to really become a volunteer. But I can still make contributions to the Beijing Olympic Games.

First of all, as a citizen of Beijing, I will use my enthusiasm and smile to greet every foreign friends from all over the world, and to show off our Beijingers’ friendly and hospitable spirit so that every foreign friends will know the city by the faces. Next, I want to learn English harder so that during the Olympics I could speak to foreign friends and community in English, And do my best to help them, For example, be a little translator and to help foreigners when they ask way. Let them know China by the behiors of us.

Again, I would like to learn more about Beijing's Olympic and for the future to our foreign friends knowing more about our beautiful Beijing, as well as the long history and splendid culture, I would like to mobilize each and every one of my classmates, we will study together and civilize etiquette together to strengthen and promote environmental awareness for the Beijing Olympic Games into a true "Green Olympics, People's Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics" from ourselves and from now on. "One world, one dream," I hope my dream will become a reality..





2001 年 7 月 13 日,你的美国朋友给你写了一封信,祝贺北京申奥成功。收到信后你给他写了一封信,介绍了你们是如何庆祝申奥成功的。回信应包括下列图画所示内容,并邀请他在 2008 年来中国。


1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 信的开头和结尾已写好。

生词: 1. 竞标成功 win the bid for……

2. 出墙报 put up a wall newspaper

Dear Bill,

Very glad to receive your letter of July 13. _________________________________________

Sincerely yours,

Zhang Hua


1. 向美国朋友道谢。

2. 听到北京申奥成功的消息非常激动。

3. 召二人来家商量庆祝方式。

4. 三人到教室出墙报。

5. 周一同学们看到墙报的反应。

6. 邀请美国朋友 2008 年来北京观看奥运会。


Bear Bill,

Very glad to receive your letter of July 13. Thank you for your congratulations. I was very excited when I heard that Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games. Immediately I called Wei Guo and Li Hong to my house. After a brief discussion we decided to put up a wall newspaper for our class. We hurried to our classroom and began to work. Wei Guo wrote a poem. Li Hong copied some news from the newspapers. I drew an Olympic flag. The next Monday, our classmates were both surprised and overjoyed when they saw the wall newspaper.

I hope you can come to China to watch the Olympic Games in 2008. Then I'll be very hyto be your guide.


( 2002 年黄冈市)小明做了一个梦。他梦见自己为北京奥运会做一名志愿者:他努力帮助来自世界各国的外国朋友……在交谈中,小明让外国朋友更多地了解北京。外国朋友感谢小明,并认为小明的英语非常好。小明很高兴,他甜蜜地笑了……

请你根据设定的梦境并加以想象,写一段 80 词左右的短文。开始语和结束语均已给出(不计入总词数)。


( 1 )帮助外国朋友;( 2 )与外国朋友交谈;( 3 )感谢小明;( 4 )小明很高兴。

词汇参考: try ( do ) one's best , find ( that ), hey ( lost ), carry ( show , take ), taxi ( car , bike ), on the way , talk with ( about )

Xiao Ming had a dream (梦) last night . In the dream , he volunteered to serve (志愿列队) the Beijing Olympics .

Xiao Ming had a dream last night. In the dream, he volunteered to serve the Beijing Olympics. He tried his best to help the foreign friends from different countries. When he found a foreign friend worried in the street, he went up to him and asked him what was the matter. The foreigner told Xiao Ming he was Jack, and he forgot the way to the Sun Hotel. Then Xiao Ming stopped a taxi and took him to the Sun Hotel. Xiao Ming talked with Jack on the way and made Jack know more about Beijing. Jack thanked Xiao Ming very much and thought Xiao Ming's English was very good. Xiao Ming was very hy. He smiled and smiled, then he woke up.


New Beijing, Great Olympics

The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most cheerful and anticipated event throughout Beijing ever since Beijing was rewarded the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, yet the focus should be shifted from making a promise to fulfilling the promise made.

In my point of view, to bridge the gap between the promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go. To begin with, infrastructure construction should be the primary concern. Such infrastructures as communications and transportation system and facilities ought to draw our constant attention. First, traffic jam has been an age?old headache in Beijing. The scene of long queues of vehicles worming their way inch by inch will surely cause great incontinence, and blemish the image of the city meanwhile. Next, to add enchantment to convenience, overall city?planning is indispensable. Time permitting, a redesign of city layout and adjustment of architectural style would provide a better environment for fostering the characteristic, blending, oriental elegance with international grandeur, will tower aloft among surrounding architectures. To achieve such effect, Beijing shall solicit opinions from first?rate architects and make an overall plan. Thirdly, quality of the population should be improved. To make an international metropolis, both “hardware” and “software” are important.

However, Rome was not built in a day. To carry out the promise of “New Beijing, Great Olympics”, deeds speak louder than words.


We've been waiting for so long,and at last it comes true!The 29th Olympic Games will be held in our great country.It's not only a time to show how strong our altiletes are but also a valuable chance to exhibit how beautiful and thriving our country is!

We are junior school students now ,so we he to do something for the Olympic Games.We can pay attention to protect our environment or do some other things to do a little contribution to the famous activity.

I hope the 29th Olympic Games will be held successfully!


I want to be a volunteer of beijing olympic games. I realized the time flies.I must study english very hard. Because English is very useful and it is very important. And to be a volunteer of the olympic games is good for myself too.I can make some friends from different countries and learn more about sport,about olympic. But the first thing to perpare this is study hard, I am confident i will to be a good volunteer and I will show the world:our country and our cities are so perfect in the world.



The Anthens Olympic Games

108 years later,Olympic Games returned to its hometown——Athens in Greece .it is an exciting moment for all the Greeks.

On August 13th 2004 of local time,when the olympic Games’flame was lit,people all over the world were cheering.In their deep heart,they believe it would be successful. That night in the main stadium,people from different countries enjoyed the same pleasure,they knew in the following 16 days,they would live in peace and harmony,without poverty、discrimination and political problems.In other words,all they needed to do was showing themselves completely to the world.

Olympic Games had developed much,as its slogan goes “faster、heighter and stronger ”.The 2004 Athens Olympic Games had the largest scale in its history.There were 202 countries and regions participating in it this time, compared with 13 countries in 1986.what’s more,more and more countries could get medals in the competition.As to china,we had had breakthrough both in gold medals and the place in medal rank,getting the second place with 32 gold medals.It attributed to the progress in our weak item,especially in the hundle race,liu xiang won the first medal in China’s dash race.Of course,there were other new records were made.For example,tennis,swimming,boxing and so on.So I feel confident that our chinese athletes will do better in 2008 Oympic Games.

Another pattern in this Olympic Games was that the real sthrength between the nations was getting nearer,so it valued in its watching.Sometimes,the places in a competition differed in very slight points.For the first time,I felt the competition is so intense.For example,in the final of the volleyball.I admit that we chinese he done a perfect job,they win the game by their hard workinig and strong determination,but at the same time,I admire Russia team,they he done their best.I can hardly forget the stimulating moments coming one after another,I can hardly forget the tears:hy and sorrowful.I remember clearly that on that day I dropped tears for the first time.there were many other touching scenes in this Olympic Games,which is more commom than former ones. The 2004 Athens Olympic Games has played a significant role in improving people’s sense of sports.

The 2004 Athens Olympic Games has made great improvement,also it is successful.It sets a good example for the 2008 Olympic Games.

Readily residents to reveal a magazine, I had to see a title "21 most popular acts -- environmental behiour," 1:00 minds every taste. Before long, green has become a trend? More so for the next also came in the ranks of fasChinese people are very fond of the slogan, single, but really put it into action by how many? Advertising is now advertised on the manufacturers do not know how many green products, but perhaps not all he a real focus on the production of environmental protection. And the person is the same. The website also next to the next person in power would not know how much, but can only hope that this site advocate a green life hion! se water, not littering, maximum use of green products, such as the loss of what everyone may not be able to do things. (But even such a simple thing, persevere not easy.) and some things, such as a vehicle not for the protection of the environment, not on the realities (although it could be better to switch to unleaded petrol). Previously read in a newspaper, so the words "While many students he high environmental enthusiasm, but the organization's activities often result.On the one hand is the lack of experience in organized activities, on the other hand, it can not exclude some of them in for instant success, and wants to stop the psychological forms of environmental protection activities to achieve their purposes.Especially the latter, may think that environmental protection need not How many professional knowledge, as long as no tree felling, not one-off products and other slogans written on the blackboard, a few words in the newspaper or television call themselves became "environmentalists." This person is not true environmentalists. Genuine concern for the environment, people do not care to join the environmental protection "environmentalists" in the title, they will quietly living in the district environmental lifestyle, and as far as possible to influence, to the people who live in this way. "(" China Youth Daily "" Green "edition, June 22, 2000) to measure a person's level of environmental awareness, he does not know how much is environmental protection knowledge, but because he is doing something to protect the environment.Green not only verbally. But environmental protection is not a bad thing after all become fashionable. There must be a general understanding of the process of things, no matter what the starting point, to the extent that such sincere concern Earth to do something she is not very good? In the final analysis, is to do nothing. Just do IT!

当我刚才看到你的有关奥运英语演讲稿的问题时,回想起了2001年的21世纪杯全国英语演讲比赛,当年的主题是:Beijing 2008: the meaning of the Bid,最终来自北京语言文化大学的选手戚悦摘取了该场比赛的第一名。



Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:

Bidding for the Olympic Games, in a way, an image-creating undertaking. The first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love with the city at first sight, attracting them by its unipue image. What image does Beijing

intend to create for itself once it has the opportunity to host the 2008 Olympics?

It is known to all that the Beijing Municipal Government has already set the theme for the future games: New Beijing, Great Olympics. For me, the 2008 Olympics will be a great green Olympics illuminated with two more special colors, yellow and red.

First, yellow is a meaningful color. The Yellow River is China's Mother River and the descendants of the Yellow Emperor. This color has a special origin and great significance for the Chinese people. Beijing is the capital of New China and previously the capital for nine dynasties in Chinese history. So, yellow will naturally add splendor to the 2008 Games.

Secondly, the 2008 Olympics will be a red pageant.Red is another traditionally cherished color for the whole country. We adore red. On big occasions, we like to decorate our homes in red. It is the color of double hiness, representing joyous moments, auspiciousness, enthusiasm and prosperity. Red is one of the most suitable colors to describe the future of Beijing . Beijing , together with the whole country, is becoming more and more prosperous in the process of modernization. Should the 2008 Olympics be held in Beijing, the whole city will be a sea of red : the red torch,red flags, red flowers, and the radiant faces of millions of joyful people.

Above all, the 2008 Olympics will be a green Olympics. Adding a green ingredient is essential in creating an ealing image, as we can't deny the fact that Beijing, at the moment, is not as green a city as what we like it to be. Striving for an environmentally ealing city has become a central task for all the citizens of Beijing. Big efforts he been made in pollution control, replanting and beautification of the city. According to a project entitled" The Green Olympic Action Plan", between 1998 and 2007, Beijing, we he invested 100 billion RMB in preserving and protecting the environment. Some 12.5 million trees and over 1 million acres of grass will be planted along the Fourth Ring Road. By then, the city's green area will make up 40% of its total. The city will also dredge its reservoirs used as a water supply to Beijing residents, controlling industrial pollution and moving out the 200 factories presently located within the city proper.

Certainly, all of this is no easy task. But I am sure that



2001年7月1日北京时间22:10北京申办第二十九届奥林匹克运动会(英文官方名称:the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Beijing 2008)成功,2008年8月8日至8月24日将于中华人民共和国首都北京举行,开幕仪式定在8月8日晚上8时。此届奥运会是中国首次举办夏季奥运会,亦是继1964年东京奥运会和1988年汉城奥运会后,第三个举行夏季奥运会的亚洲国家。

大部份比赛项目均在北京举行,上海、天津、沈阳、秦皇岛将承办足球项目,而帆船比赛项目将由青岛承办。 2005年7月8日,在新加坡举行的国际奥林匹克委员会第117次全会上,决定由香港协办2008年奥运马术项目,是奥运历史上第二次由不同地区的奥委会承办。




1 国家体育场(详细见:://beijing2008.ecitymap.cn/?143)

第29届奥林匹克运动会的主会场,位于北京 奥林匹克公园内、北京城市中轴线北端的东侧。建筑面积25.8万平米,用地面积20.4万平米。2008年奥运会期间,承担开幕式、闭幕式、田径比赛、男子足球决赛等赛事活动,能容纳观众10万人,其中临时坐席2万座。

2 国家游泳中心(详细见:://beijing2008.ecitymap.cn/?144)


3 国家体育馆(详细见:://beijing2008.ecitymap.cn/?145)

4 北京射击馆

5 五棵松体育馆

6 老山自行车馆

7 奥林匹克水上公园

8 中国农业大学体育馆

9 北京大学体育馆

10 北京科技大学体育馆

11 北京工业大学体育馆


12 奥体中心体育场

13 奥体中心体育馆

14 工人体育场

15 工人体育馆

16 首都体育馆

17 丰台垒球场

18 英东游泳馆

19 老山自行车场

20 北京射击场飞碟靶场

21 北京理工大学体育馆

22 北京航空航天大学体育馆


23 国家会议中心击剑馆(详细见:://beijing2008.ecitymap.cn/?146)

24 奥林匹克森林公园曲棍球场

25 奥林匹克森林公园射箭场

26 奥林匹克森林公园网球场

27 五棵松棒球场

28 沙滩排球场

29 小轮车赛场

30 铁人三项赛场

31 城区公路自行车赛场


32 青岛国际帆船中心

33 香港奥运场

34 上海体育场

35 天津奥林匹克体育场

36 五里河体育场

37 秦皇岛奥林匹克体育中心




田径 track and field

赛艇 canoe

羽毛球 badminton

垒球 softball

篮球 basketball


拳击 boxing

皮划艇 canoeing

自行车 cycling

击剑 fencing

体操 gymnastics

举重 weightlifting

手球 handball

曲棍球 Hockey / Field Hockey

柔道 judo

摔跤 wrestling

水上项目 aquatics

现代五项 modern pentathlon

棒球 baseball

马术 equestrian

跆拳道 kickboxing

网球 tennis

乒乓球 table tennis

射击 shooting

射箭 archery

铁人三项 triathlon

帆船帆板 sailing

排球 volleyball


罗格是在到南京参加中国第十届全国运动会开幕式期间作上述表示的。他说,尽管 比赛有别于奥运会其他28个大项的比赛,但这毕竟是武术走向奥林匹克舞台的重大突破。



福娃(英语:Fuwa,原称Friendlies)是2008年在北京举行的第29届奥运会的吉祥物,作家郑渊洁提议,本次奥运会吉祥物数量应该最多,后来他提议与奥运五环相匹配,之后画家韩美林设计完成。于2005年11月11日、距离北京奥运会开幕恰好1000天时正式发布问世。 福娃是北京2008年第29届奥运会吉祥物,其色彩与灵感来源于奥林匹克五环、来源于中国辽阔的山川大地、 江河湖海和人们喜爱的动物形象。


福娃贝贝、 福娃晶晶 、福娃欢欢 、福娃迎迎 和福娃妮妮 每个娃娃都有一个琅琅上口的名字:“贝贝”、“晶晶”、“欢欢”、“迎迎”和“妮妮”,在中国,叠音名字是对孩子表达喜爱的一种传统方式。当把五个娃娃的名字连在一起,你会读出北京对世界的盛情邀请“北京欢迎您”。


将祝福带往世界各个角落 很久以来,中国就有通过符号传递祝福的传统。北京奥运会吉祥物的每个娃娃都代表着一个美好的祝愿:繁荣、欢乐、、健康与好运。娃娃们带着北京的盛情,将祝福带往世界各个角落,邀请各国人民共聚北京,欢庆2008奥运盛典。

贝贝传递的祝福是繁荣。在中国传统文化艺术中, “鱼” 和 “水” 的图案是繁荣与收获的象征,人们用 “鲤鱼跳龙门”寓意事业有成和梦想的实现,“鱼”还有吉庆有余、年年有余的蕴涵。 贝贝的头部纹饰使用了中国新石器时代的鱼纹图案。贝贝温柔纯洁,是水上运动的高手,和奥林匹克五环中 的蓝环相互辉映。

晶晶是一只憨态可掬的大熊猫,无论走到哪里都会带给人们欢乐。作为中国国宝,大熊猫深得世界人民的喜爱。 晶晶来自广袤的森林,象征着人与自然的和谐共存。他的头部纹饰源自宋瓷上的莲花瓣造型。晶晶憨厚乐观,充满力量,代表奥林匹克五环中黑色的一环。

欢欢是福娃中的大哥哥。他是一个火娃娃,象征奥林匹克圣火。欢欢是运动的化身,他将散播世 界,传递 更快、更高、更强的奥林匹克精神。欢欢所到之处,洋溢着北京2008对世界的热情。 欢欢的头部纹饰源自敦煌壁画中火焰的纹样。他性格外向奔放,熟稔各项球类运动,代表奥林匹克五环中红 色的一环。


妮妮来自天空,是一只展翅飞翔的燕子,其造型创意来自北京传统的沙燕风筝。“燕”还代表燕京(古代北京的称谓)。妮妮把春天和喜悦带给人们,飞过之处播撒“祝您好运”的美好祝福。 天真无邪、欢快矫捷的妮妮将在体操比赛中闪亮登场,她代表奥林匹克五环中绿色的一环。









对我国印章有了一定了解后,如果再来品一品“中国印·舞动的北京”,就会觉得她更为可爱。她上面的笔画,像字非字,似画非画;融字于画,寓画于字;笔画之间,舞姿翩翩;舞韵之中,笔墨纵情;以竹简汉字笔体书写的“Beijing 2008”更浸透着中华书法艺术的博大精深。这一切,既浓缩了我国古代印章由字而画的发展轨迹,也诠释了我国古代哲学力求中庸的主流观点。这些,再加上象征中国的红色印泥和巨型方印,使得“中国印·舞动的北京”积聚了大量的历史信息和富足的文化精髓,难怪1996年亚特兰大奥运会设计主任、2008年奥运会会徽参与者之一布雷德·科普兰德先生,从许多会徽设计方案中一见到“中国印·舞动的北京”便当即托口而出:“她是中国的!”






“中国印·舞动的北京”中的人形图画似曾相识,这就是与舞蹈《丝路花雨》同源的敦煌壁画中的舞姿。夸张的身体比例和肢体位置,舒展的笔画和简捷的构图,充分表现了北京人的热情与豪迈,奔放的舞姿则充分预示着北京城的未来。我们仿佛看到,一个满怀热情和希望、富有和活力的舞者,正在向给与他欢呼的人欢呼。当然,他舞出的不仅仅是人们的热情,他还将奥运会“更快 更高 更强”的理念写意地“跳”了出来。
















《We are ready》

《Everyone is No.1》

《Forever Friend》























八年级英语作文 设2008年奥运会已经开始了,你做为一名奥运会的志愿者向外国朋友介绍一下北京8

1.My Musical HabitsI he many habits,music is my forite one.I love pop music and I always listen to PM3 to enjoy pop on my way home or school.Also, I am a good singer and I can sing a lot of pop songs.I love music becose it can brings me hies, when I was unhy music could comfort me, when I was hy music also could make me hier.I usually play guitar for 30 minutes after dinner. Sometimes I go to concert.I love music.2.Protect Our Environment It is important to beal with the rubbish in cities. Our world was colorful,beautiful and full of life. But these years, people he built many factories along rivers. Many trees he been cut down. Many animals he lost their homes. Factories cause pollution. Rivers become polluted. As a student, you should do every things in your everyday life to protect them. First, stop wasting more water. Second, throw waste things into different dustbins. For example, waste paper should be throw into paper recyclable bins. Third, stop cutting down trees. Instead, plant more. Fourth, pick up garbage in the park or on the road when we are free. Last, call on more and more people to pay attention to contrlling pollution. In a word, everybody has his duty to protect the world3.1.This summer holiday,my parents and I went to the century park.We had a picnic in there.When we reached the park,we were attracted by the beautiful flowers,trees and lakes.We were hy at that time.In order to he picnic,we wanted to find a place to sit. finally ,we found a good place.After the picnic,we slept on the ground.We stayed there for a day,we were pleased with the trip.4.Summer holiday is coming.He you got any plans for this coming holiday.If we hen,t got any,let me tell you my plan.I will get up at eight 'oclock I will listen to the pop music when I am tired.After that ,I will play the computer games with my friendsIt’s time for lunch.I will he the lunch in three minutes,and then go out for class.When the class is over,I will continue playing the computer games with my friends and do my homework.5.This summer holiday I very hy.Bcause the Beijing Oimpic Games were very excating and I went to Jiaozuo and Yantai to take a vacation. I saw the rivers, waterfalls, mountains and valleys, and the sea.I made a lot of photos there, In the world is like paradise.And I also ate a lot of food,they are very tasty! The air is very fresh,and the weather is very cool! I watched the Olympic torch pass,it was very exciting,I went there very early and stant at the front row.so,I could see it clearly. and took a lot of photos there, and then sent them to my blog. I didn’t he too much work this summer holiday,and also very simple. I spent a little time to do it.Then,I read a lot of books in a library.The books are very interesting.I think I did these homework could help me consolidation of knowledge. I took part in an Englishi class,because I could talk with foreign teachers,and my Englishi teacher is very beautiful. My classmates were very friendly to me,and we he a good time there! I think my summer holiday was very hy!I love it! 6.Hi,my new classmate!Welcome to our school.I think you are so excting that be a new student here.But now,I he to tell you some rules in the school.First,you couldn't be late for school every day.If you do,your teacher will not let you in.Second,you 'd better say hello to your teacher whenever you see them.This can make your teacher hy.Thire,you couldn't eat in class,or the teacher will be mad at you.Next,keep the class clean and quiet.It can make you feel comfortable to study in the classroom.Then,I suggest you not listen to the music and play games at class.Finally,don't hurt the plants in the playground.To sum up,you should conform these rules7.If I am a volunteer The Olympic Games will be held this year.I am so excited and I think the games will be interesting and also fascinating. But now, the important is,how should we do with the Olmpics if I am a volunteer To solve the problem will be extremely difficult,because nowadays lots of people devote themselves to society and you can not hold an opportunity easily.So just try my best...... We can go to the English Corner to help them to send some DIY newspapers and go to the neighborhood to tell the stories or history about Olmpics to the people who are curious to learn. Also,we can go on the streets to find the problems such as putting away the trash anywhere,saying out the impolite words.That will be meaningful.I am sure that I will succeed.Believe it,do it! 8.I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road. It’s the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there, there were lots of people. We walked from one shop to another. I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my fourite colour. My brother also bought some clothes. On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of games there. I had a good time. The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre. I didn’t forget to do my homework in the evening. I had a full and hy holiday. 9.A trip to Shanghai I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road. It’s the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there, there were lots of people. We walked from one shop to another. I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my fourite colour. My brother also bought some clothes. On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of games there. I had a good time. The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre. I didn’t forget to do my homework in the evening. I had a full and hy holiday.10.My Hiest Day Today is Friday. It is my thirth birthday. I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes hily. My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents. I went to school earlier than before. I invited many of my classmates to come to my birthday party in the evening. Evening came at last. Many of my classmate came to my home. they bought me lots of beautiful presents. they all said,"Hy birthday to you!" We sang birthday songs hily.then my parents brought out a big birthday cake, saying, "We love you for ever. Hy birthday!" At the end of the party, we ate the birthday cake and some other delicious food. How hy I was! 1.My音乐习惯 我有很多的习惯,音乐是我最喜欢的one.I喜欢流行音乐,我总是听PM3享受弹出我回家的路上或school.Also ,我是个优秀歌手,我可以唱了很多流行songs.I爱音乐becose它可以使我hies ,当时我是不幸的音乐可以安慰我,当我真的很开心音乐也可以让我发挥的吉他hier.I通常为30分钟后吃晚饭。有时候,我去concert.I爱音乐。 2 。 保护我们的环境 重要的是,比尔与垃圾在城市里。 我们的世界是丰富多彩的,美丽的,充满生机。但是这些年来,人民已经建立许多工厂沿河流。许多树木被砍倒。许多动物都失去了他们的家园。工厂造成的污染。里弗斯成为污染。 作为一名学生,你应该做的事情都在你的日常生活中保护他们。 首先,停止浪费更多的水。 第二,扔垃圾的东西到不同的垃圾桶。例如,废纸应掷到纸张回收箱。 第三,停止砍树。相反,种植更多。 第四,拿起垃圾或在公园的道路上,当我们都是免费的。 最后,呼吁更多的人注意contrlling污染。 总之,每个人都有自己的职责,以保护世界 3 。 1.This暑,我的父母和我去世纪park.We了野餐的there.When我们到达公园,吸引我们的是美丽的花朵,树木和lakes.We很高兴在这个time.In秩序有野餐,我们想找个地方坐下。最后,我们找到了一个好place.After野餐,我们睡在ground.We在那里呆了一天,我们很高兴与旅行。 4.Summer期coming.He您有任何,今年holiday.If我们的天堂,有任何吨,让我告诉你我plan.I将在8 ' oclock我会听流行音乐时,我tired.After ,我会打电脑游戏与我friendsIt的时候了lunch.I将有3分钟的午餐,然后外出class.When类已经结束,我将继续玩电脑游戏,我的朋友和我的家庭作业。 5.This暑我非常hy.Bcause北京Oimpic奥运会是非常excating和我去了焦作市和烟台取度。我看到了河流,瀑布,高山,峡谷,和sea.I取得了很大的照片有,在世界上像paradise.And我也吃了很多食物,他们是非常好吃!空气很新鲜,天气非常酷! 我看到奥运圣火传递,这是非常令人兴奋的,我去那里很早就和支架在前面row.so ,我可以清楚地看到它。并取了很多照片那里,然后送他们到我的博客。 我没有太多的工作今年暑期,也很简单。我花了一点时间做it.Then ,我阅读了大量的书籍在library.The的书籍是非常interesting.I想我没有这些功课可以帮助我巩固知识。 我曾经参加了一次英语课,因为我可以跟外籍教师,我的英语老师是一个很漂亮的。我的同学都非常友好,我,我们有一个很好的时间! 我想我的暑很高兴!我喜欢它! 6.Hi ,我的新同学!欢迎来到我们的school.I认为你是如此excting这是一个新的学生here.But现在,我必须告诉你一些规则在学校。 首先,你不能迟到学校每day.If你做什么,你的老师不会让你in.Second ,你最好打个招呼你的老师只要您看到them.This可以让你的老师hy.Thire ,你不能吃的阶级,或老师会生气的you.Next ,保持一流的清洁和quiet.It可以使你感觉舒适,研究在classroom.Then ,我建议你不听音乐和玩游戏class.Finally ,不伤害植物的游乐场。 总之,你应符合本规则 7 。 如果我是一个志愿者 奥运会将于本year.I很兴奋,我认为比赛会很有趣,也令人着迷。但现在,重要的是,我们应该如何与Olmpics如果我是一名志愿者?为了解决这个问题将是极其困难的,因为现在很多人投身于社会,你不能拥有一个机会easily.So只是尽我所能...... 我们可以去英语角,帮助他们把一些报纸和自助去告诉邻居的故事或历史Olmpics的人谁是好奇,希望知道。另外,我们可以在街头发现的问题,如把垃圾桶以外的任何地方,说了不礼貌words.That将meaningful.I相信,我将succeed.Believe得出,做得到! 8 。 我在访问上海,我的母亲在为期七天的期。我们花了两个多小时,以推动上海从我的家乡在海门。我们住在一个大酒店八楼。第一天,我就留在酒店休息。第二天,我的兄弟和我去了南京路。这是最繁忙的街道在上海举行。当我们到了那里,有很多人。我们走到一个商店到另一个。我买了两个T -恤衫和长裤2双为即将到来的夏天。的T -恤衫和长裤,都是我买的白色,因为白色是我最喜欢的颜色。我的哥哥也买了一些衣服。第三天,我的母亲把我带到晋江中心。这是挤满了人。我打得多种游戏那里。我有一个好时机。其他几天,我去了其他一些有趣的地方,如东方明珠电视塔,黄浦江与上海国际会议中心举行。我没有忘记我的功课在晚上。我有一个充分和节日快乐。 9 。 游上海 我在访问上海,我的母亲在为期七天的期。我们花了两个多小时,以推动上海从我的家乡在海门。我们住在一个大酒店八楼。第一天,我就留在酒店休息。第二天,我的兄弟和我去了南京路。这是最繁忙的街道在上海举行。当我们到了那里,有很多人。我们走到一个商店到另一个。我买了两个T -恤衫和长裤2双为即将到来的夏天。的T -恤衫和长裤,都是我买的白色,因为白色是我最喜欢的颜色。我的哥哥也买了一些衣服。第三天,我的母亲把我带到晋江中心。这是挤满了人。我打得多种游戏那里。我有一个好时机。其他几天,我去了其他一些有趣的地方,如东方明珠电视塔,黄浦江与上海国际会议中心举行。我没有忘记我的功课在晚上。我有一个充分和节日快乐。 10 。 我快乐的一天 今天是星期五。这是我第十三生日。我得到了非常清晨,放在我的新衣服快乐。我的父母给我买过新衣服作为我的生日礼物。我去学校早于前。我邀请了我的许多同学到我的生日聚会在晚上。 晚上来到了。我的许多同学来到我家。他们买了我很多美好的礼物。他们都表示: “祝你生日快乐! ”我们唱生日歌hily.then我的父母提出了一个大生日蛋糕,他说: “我们爱你,永远。生日快乐! ” 结束时的党,我们吃了生日蛋糕和其他一些可口的食物。我是多么幸福! 期望对你有帮助呵呵 我也是字数限制发不上,你告诉我Q好或邮箱,选我为最佳答案,在感谢的地方写出Q好或邮箱,我还有几十篇呢,都发给你

The origin of the Olympic Games

Ancient Greek mythology is a kingdom, beautiful and moving story and the myth of the folk legends bizarre twists and turns for the origin of the ancient Olympic Games cast a mysterious color. Legend: Ancient Olympic Games for the worship of Zeus and sports competition held on a regular basis activities. Another legend of Hercules and the son of Zeus-related. Hercules was due to great power, "Hercules" of the name. Elis city, he completed the task of ordinary people can not be completed in less than a half-day martial arts will sweep clean the king's tie-up piles of cow dung, but the king did not want to carry out given the promise of 300 cattle, to get rid of the King angrily赫拉克勒. To celebrate the victory, he held the Olympic Games.

With regard to the origin of the ancient Olympic Games is the most widely佩洛普斯marriage story. Elis in ancient Greece in order to own the king's daughter of the Prince Consort文武双全pick a horse, to be elected must be, and their own chariot race. Competition, there he been 13 young people lost their lives under the king's spear, and the first 14 young people is the grandson of Zeus and Princess佩洛普斯sweetheart. Inspired by love, he accepted the king's challenge to Moses to win finally. In order to celebrate this victory with the Princess佩洛普斯of Zeus at Olympia, held a grand wedding in front of the temple, it was arranged for tanks, etc. arena game, and this is the first ancient Olympic Games, became the ancient佩洛普斯the legendary founder of the Olympic Games.

The origin of the Olympic Games, in fact, the ancient Greek society and is closely related to the situation. 9-8 BC century, the gradual collapse of the Greek clan society, sle society of the city-state system gradually established more than 200 city-states. Their own city, without a unified monarchy, between the city-state wars. In order to cope with war, the city-states are actively training soldiers. Sparta city children from 7 years of age by the state dependent on, and to engage in sports, military training, led a military life. War soldiers, soldiers need a strong body, and sports is to train soldiers to levy a powerful means of善战. The war has promoted the development of sport in Greece, the ancient Olympic Games also mark a significant military. Continuous so that the people disgusted by the war, the general desire to he a peaceful environment in which to recuperate. Later, King of Sparta and Elis, Wang signed a "sacred truce on" treaty. Thus, to prepare troops for the military training and sports competition, becoming the Games of peace and friendship.

Greeks in 776 BC to require that every 4 years in the first Games held in Olympia. During the Games, all the Greek athletes and ordinary people gathered in the vicinity of Lai Man Olympia in southern Greece, this beautiful town. 776 BC in the first Olympic Games held here, the Dorians kloster 192.27 meters sprint in the race won. He became the International Olympic Committee awarded the first item in the first person crown.

Later, the ancient Greek Games, gradually expanding the size and become a grand display of national spirit. Winners receive lauroyl, wild olive and palm, such as weing garlands. Starting from 776 BC to AD 394 ended the year, after 1170, a total of 293 sessions were held in ancient Olympic Games. 394 AD Roman Emperor, he was prohibited.

1875 ~ 1881, Germany in the Olympic蒂乌斯library site to explore the archaeological finds, has aroused worldwide interest. To this end, the French educator Pierre de Coubertin believed that the restoration of the ancient Greek tradition of Olympic Games, to promote the development of international sports he great significance. In his advocacy efforts and positive, the June 1894, in Paris held its first General Assembly in international sports. The General Assembly decided to international sports world will be called a comprehensive sports Olympic Games held in Athens, the first modern Olympic Games, to 4 years, alternately in the various Member States.

In the traditional Chinese arts and culture of fish and water a symbol of prosperity and harvest design. Beibei bring blessing and prosperity. Fish is a symbol of Chinese culture earnings, another measure of a good year, a good day. Decoration Line Design of water wes from a well-known Chinese paintings over the past. five friends know Beibei gentle, pure. Water was robust, reflecting her blue Olympic ring. Jingjing to make the children smile - but also brought him hiness and he goes. He said that you look at his personality and lovely pure dance, causing a we of his black-and-white hair. as a national treasure and a protected species, the giant panda is worship. Lotus design Jingjing feet, which is encouraged by the porcelain paintings of the Song Dynasty (ad 960-1234), and forest green symbolizes the harmony between man and nature relationship. Jingjing was chosen as the representative, we hope that the gifts of nature - beautiful nature, the protection of future generations. Jingjing conservative na? ve optimistic . He is a well-known athletes, their strength is the black Olympic ring jingle competition cycle in the body, Huanhuan is the big brother. He is a child of fire, symbolizing the Olympic movement and the flame of passion - passion of the blessed, blessed him. Huanhuan Center for races at the core of the embodiment of the Olympic spirit. At the same time, he encouraged all the passion and management faster, jump higher, stronger, he is also open and the invitation. Huanhuan, according to a, please warmth of Beijing 2008 -- - and the wishful blessings of the Chinese people - can be felt. firery head master of the decorative designs from the Dunhuang murals - as long as the touch of traditional Chinese auspicious designs. Huanhuan is lively and warm. He is good at all the ball games, on behalf of the Olympic red ring. like antelope, flexible, fast and can quickly cover a lot of Yingying private land, he cross-racial. the symbol of the vastness of the face of China, and the blessings of antelope health, physical strength comes from harmony with nature. Love embodies the essence of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau endemic to the flight, the first animal to be protected. chose the Tibetan antelope promised a green Olympics in Beijing. the head of the decorative style of some from Qinghai and Xinjiang, Tibet's traditional culture and western ethnic design. Strong in track and field competition, the situation is wit flexible, agile young man is the yellow Olympic ring. annual spring, summer, children's kites Beijing flow into beautiful wind blow through the capital. in kite design, Gold Wing Yan is one of the most popular traditions. Nini's figure is from the tradition of grand design, the flight. Her golden wings symbolize the infinite sky and spread good luck wishes as she flies. Yan clearly "strict", the city is known as an ancient the capital city of Beijing. friends, is hy as a swallow naive. She is a strong, green Olympic gymnastics rings.






希腊人于公元前776年规定每4年在奥林匹亚举办一次运动会。 运动会举行期间,全希腊选手及附近黎民百姓相聚于奥林匹亚这个希腊南部的风景秀丽的小镇。公元前776年在这里举行第一届奥运会 时,多利亚人克洛斯在192·27米短跑比赛中取得冠军。他成为 国际奥林匹克运动会荣获第一个项目的第一个桂冠的人。

后来,古希腊运动会的规模逐渐扩大,并成为显示民族精神的盛会。比赛的优胜者获得月桂、野橄榄和棕榈编织的花环等。从公元前776年开始,到 公元394年止,历经1170年,共举行了293届古代奥林匹克运动会。公元394年被罗马皇帝禁止。

1875~1881年,德国库蒂乌斯人在奥林匹克遗址发掘了出土文物,引起了全世界的兴趣。为此,法国教育家皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦认为,恢复古希腊奥运会的传统,对促进国际体育运动的发展有 着十分重大的意义。在他的倡导与积极奔走下,1894年6月,在巴黎举行了首次国际体育大会。国际体育大会决定把世界性的综合体育运动会叫做奥林匹克运动会,并于雅典 举行第一届现代奥运会,以4年一次,轮流在各会员国举行。

在中国传统文化艺术的鱼和水的繁荣与收获的象征设计. 贝贝带来的祝福,并繁荣. 鱼也是中华文化的一个象征盈余,另一项衡量一个好年头,好日子. 装饰线的水浪设计取自著名国画过去. 五朋友,知道贝贝温柔、纯洁. 水上强劲,反映了她的奥运会蓝戒指. 晶晶微笑使孩子--而且也是他带来幸福快乐的推移而他. 他说,你看他的个性纯真可爱的舞蹈,引起一波他黑白毛. 作为国宝级的保育类及,大熊猫是人们崇拜. Lotus设计晶晶的脚,这是鼓舞宋代的瓷画(a.d.960-1234),象征着绿意和森林人与自然的和谐关系. 晶晶被选为代表,我们希望保护大自然的礼物--美丽的大自然,保护世世代代. 晶晶是保守na? ve乐观. 他是著名的运动员,他们的力量是黑色奥林匹克响叮当 在体内循环比赛,欢欢是大哥. 他是一个火孩子,象征着奥林匹克运动的和火焰--热情的祝福,祝福他. 欢欢中心站比赛为核心的奥林匹克精神的体现. 同时,他鼓励所有的与管理更快、跳得更高、更强是,他还公开和邀请. 而根据着欢欢,请温暖北京2008年--与中国人民的祝福如意--可以感觉到. firery的头部装饰设计大师来自敦煌壁画--只要触动中国传统吉祥设计. 欢欢是活泼热情. 他擅长所有的球类运动,代表奥林匹克红色的戒指. 像羚羊、灵活、速度快,可莺莺迅速复盖很大的私人土地上,他跨越种族. 浩瀚的象征中国的面貌,有羚羊的祝福健康、身体力量来自与自然和谐. 情的本质体现了对飞行特有的青藏高原,第一个受到保护的动物. 选择了藏羚羊为北京绿色奥运承诺. 头部装饰风格的装饰将一些来自青海和新疆、西藏传统文化与西部民族设计. 在田径比赛强,情是机智灵活、利落的小伙子是奥运会**光环. 每年春、夏、儿童风筝北京美丽的水流进风,通过资本冲击. 在风筝设计、金翼燕是最受欢迎的传统之一. Nini的这个数字是来自盛大的传统设计,飞行. 她金色的翅膀,象征着无限的天空,散布吉祥祝福作为她在苍蝇. 燕也明显"严"中,这座被称为是一种古老的北京首都. 朋友之间,是天真快乐作为吞下. 她是坚强的,是绿色奥运体操戒指.