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简介1.用英语介绍奥运会会徽2.八年级英语作文 设2008年奥运会已经开始了,你做为一名奥运会的志愿者向外国朋友介绍一下北京83.用英语介绍北京奥运会小短文是什么?4.奥运场馆英文介绍(要有翻译的)5.北京奥运会介绍与项目介绍(中英文都要)帮你找了一篇有关Olympic Games的介绍,难度适中,希望我的回答对你有所帮助!^_^Olympic GamesEvery four years, athle


2.八年级英语作文 设2008年奥运会已经开始了,你做为一名奥运会的志愿者向外国朋友介绍一下北京8





帮你找了一篇有关Olympic Games的介绍,难度适中,希望我的回答对你有所帮助!^_^

Olympic Games

Every four years, athletes from around the world come together to compete in the Olympic Games. Do you know why this event is called the Olympics? The games were first held at Olympia in ancient Greece. The ancient Olympic Games honored the Greek god Zeus. Today, the Olympic Games are held in different cities around the world.


We know that the ancient Olympics began as far back as 776 bc. That’s when the Greeks began keeping records of the winners. The ancient Games continued until about ad 392, more than 1,000 years!

Athletes came from cities throughout Greece to compete in races, boxing and wrestling matches, gymnastics, and weightlifting. They also threw spears, hurled a discus (bronze disk), and jumped for distance. Wealthy Greeks raced their horses. Winners were crowned with wreaths of olive or palm lees.

The ancient Olympic Games were not just a sporting event, however. There were competitions in poetry, music, speechmaking, and other arts as well.

At the beginning and end of the Games, animals were sacrificed (killed and offered) to Zeus. A splendid temple was built at Olympia in Zeus’s honor. When people stopped worshiping the Greek gods, the Olympic Games were canceled.


The Olympic Games were brought back in 1896. The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, the capital of Greece. Only nine countries participated in the first Games, and all the athletes were male.

Today, some 10,000 athletes compete in the Olympic Games, and nearly half of them are female. They represent about 200 nations.

At first, the modern Olympics included only summer sports, such as swimming, rowing, and track and field. Figure skating was added in 1908, and ice hockey in 1920.

The first winter Olympic Games were held in 1924. More winter sports were later added to the Winter Games, including downhill skiing, bobsledding, and ski jumping. Snowboarding and freestyle skiing followed in the 1990s.

From 1924 through 1992, the Winter Games and the Summer Games took place in the same year. After 1992, the next Winter Games were moved up two years, to 1994. Winter Games and Summer Games now occur two years apart. Each of these Games takes place every four years.


After each Olympic event, medals are awarded to the compes who finish in first, second, and third place. First-place winners receive a gold medal. Those who finish in second place receive a silver medal, and those in third place, a bronze medal.

Olympic athletes often dazzle the world. In 1912, Jim Thorpe of the United States won the gold medal for two of the most difficult contests in track and field: the pentathlon, which consists of five different events, and the decathlon, which consists of ten events. Thorpe is still the only athlete to he won the pentathlon and decathlon at the same Olympics.

In 1932, Babe Didrikson of the United States became the only Olympic athlete ever to win medals in separate running, jumping, and throwing events. Four years later, African American track star Jesse Owens won four gold medals.

During the 10s, the thrilling performances of Olga Korbut of the Soviet Union and Nadia Comaneci of Romania inspired a generation of girls to take up gymnastics. Also in the 10s, American Mark Spitz amazed the world by winning a total of seven gold medals in swimming. In the 1980s and 1990s, Carl Lewis of the United States won a total of nine Olympic gold medals in track-and-field events. Sarah Hughes charmed audiences as she skated her way to a gold medal at the 2002 Winter Olympics. The star of the Summer Olympics in 2004 was American swimmer Michael Phelps, who won a total of eight medals.


August 13, the Polish team player, Dubi Padi Ka girls in the Beijing Olympic Games table tennis women's groups the tournament against Hong Kong, China, Poland match, against Tie Yana famous, she placed a short row to Tie Yana and a passive first The next city. Tie Yana in the two Lianban, Pa Dika still maintain a good offensive posture, backhand offensive scoring game dragged into the match, Tie Yana in the final to win the final withstand pressure. (See August 14, 2008 -) watched the Polish table tennis circles as the "Venus" the 19-year-old girl's game, not touching.

In the Olympic Games, such as Pa Dika moving stories abound: the land of gun smoke from the Iraqi athletes he not even sportswear, but to overcome various difficulties to Beijing to participate in the Olympic Games of the Chinese residing in the United States Fencing players Luan Jujie , 50, still took part in the fencing competition was known as the "mother's" U.S. 41-year-old female athletes Tuoni Si, participated in the women's 50 meters freestyle final, the German 33-year-old gymnast Qiusuo Wei Myskina, the women Won the silver medal in the pommel horse final, the 61-year-old Latvia "Laoqiang" A law纳西库兹明, Laojifuli, Zhuangxin not Min, a Beijing market shooting the oldest player; China's badminton player Zhang Ning, both wrestlers Xiandong-mei More than 30 years old, but they he chopped the Commissioner will seize all the way to win a valuable Olympic gold .......

There is no dou that the Olympic Games, the scenes that the race to his first to the scene, an athletes reached the podium of the exciting scenes, and the above mentioned athletes, not including the athletes won medals the same story Touching. This is because, in the pursuit of their dreams. The quadrennial Olympic Games is the world sports events, but also athletes to achieve the dream of paradise. There are many athletes came to Beijing, may he been expected to not get medals, but they are still actively involved in, as is common to create "with a dream." The story above those athletes moving, but also is their fighting spirit. Sports expert analysis, the best athletes in the upper age limit should be 28 years old. China's women badminton players he 33-year-old Zhang Ning, her participation in the Olympic Games goal is to "destroy all the foreign athletes," she relied on its own competitive level of perseverance and tenacity, achieved its goal and won the gold medal, has created another brilliant , The spirit is really commendable.

Pursue their dreams, be bre struggle, this is life athletes to create a brilliant Miji, we should also become engaged in different occupations of the people to achieve goals in life should he the vision and spirit. As we moved to Olympic athletes at the same time, I need to look at us through the road, the need for better design of the future, fighting spirit to meet the challenges and create their own brilliant!








-- August 10, in the 2008 Beijing Olympic women's judo 52 kg-class competition, Chinese player Xiandongmei successfully defending the gold.

This year has been the Xiandongmei 33-year-old , ge birth to a daughter last year. However, for in preparation for the Beijing Olympic Games , this mother champions put into the preparations for these tensions, her daughter been gaiven away the milk at the five months,. The ultimate success of defending Xiandongmei, she also became the first Chinese Olympic delegation history of a mother championship.




Zhu Qinan:

August 11, China's Zhu Qinan in tears on the podium. On that day, firing in the Beijing Olympic Games men's 10 meter air rifle final, India's Bindra won the gold medal, Athens Olympic champion Zhu Qinan of China's silver medal, Finland's Mika Hakkinen the bronze.

China's Zhu Qinan in tears on the podium.

八年级英语作文 设2008年奥运会已经开始了,你做为一名奥运会的志愿者向外国朋友介绍一下北京8

the emblem of the 2008 Olympic is devided into three parts.the bright colour represent the enthusiastic atmosphere of Chinese culture.You can basically see a Chinese word"jing"in it,which means the city Beijing.It is like a running person greeting the uncoming victory.The person perfectly shows the spirit of the Olympic.And the shape of it also looks like another Chinese word"wen",which shows the long history and rich culcure of China.we can feel the china calligraphy from here.under the word,there'are five circles and "beijing2008".the emblem perfectly connect the chinese traditional culture and the mordern olympic spirit.


The origin of the Olympic Games

Ancient Greek mythology is a kingdom, beautiful and moving story and the myth of the folk legends bizarre twists and turns for the origin of the ancient Olympic Games cast a mysterious color. Legend: Ancient Olympic Games for the worship of Zeus and sports competition held on a regular basis activities. Another legend of Hercules and the son of Zeus-related. Hercules was due to great power, "Hercules" of the name. Elis city, he completed the task of ordinary people can not be completed in less than a half-day martial arts will sweep clean the king's tie-up piles of cow dung, but the king did not want to carry out given the promise of 300 cattle, to get rid of the King angrily赫拉克勒. To celebrate the victory, he held the Olympic Games.

With regard to the origin of the ancient Olympic Games is the most widely佩洛普斯marriage story. Elis in ancient Greece in order to own the king's daughter of the Prince Consort文武双全pick a horse, to be elected must be, and their own chariot race. Competition, there he been 13 young people lost their lives under the king's spear, and the first 14 young people is the grandson of Zeus and Princess佩洛普斯sweetheart. Inspired by love, he accepted the king's challenge to Moses to win finally. In order to celebrate this victory with the Princess佩洛普斯of Zeus at Olympia, held a grand wedding in front of the temple, it was arranged for tanks, etc. arena game, and this is the first ancient Olympic Games, became the ancient佩洛普斯the legendary founder of the Olympic Games.

The origin of the Olympic Games, in fact, the ancient Greek society and is closely related to the situation. 9-8 BC century, the gradual collapse of the Greek clan society, sle society of the city-state system gradually established more than 200 city-states. Their own city, without a unified monarchy, between the city-state wars. In order to cope with war, the city-states are actively training soldiers. Sparta city children from 7 years of age by the state dependent on, and to engage in sports, military training, led a military life. War soldiers, soldiers need a strong body, and sports is to train soldiers to levy a powerful means of善战. The war has promoted the development of sport in Greece, the ancient Olympic Games also mark a significant military. Continuous so that the people disgusted by the war, the general desire to he a peaceful environment in which to recuperate. Later, King of Sparta and Elis, Wang signed a "sacred truce on" treaty. Thus, to prepare troops for the military training and sports competition, becoming the Games of peace and friendship.

Greeks in 776 BC to require that every 4 years in the first Games held in Olympia. During the Games, all the Greek athletes and ordinary people gathered in the vicinity of Lai Man Olympia in southern Greece, this beautiful town. 776 BC in the first Olympic Games held here, the Dorians kloster 192.27 meters sprint in the race won. He became the International Olympic Committee awarded the first item in the first person crown.

Later, the ancient Greek Games, gradually expanding the size and become a grand display of national spirit. Winners receive lauroyl, wild olive and palm, such as weing garlands. Starting from 776 BC to AD 394 ended the year, after 1170, a total of 293 sessions were held in ancient Olympic Games. 394 AD Roman Emperor, he was prohibited.

1875 ~ 1881, Germany in the Olympic蒂乌斯library site to explore the archaeological finds, has aroused worldwide interest. To this end, the French educator Pierre de Coubertin believed that the restoration of the ancient Greek tradition of Olympic Games, to promote the development of international sports he great significance. In his advocacy efforts and positive, the June 1894, in Paris held its first General Assembly in international sports. The General Assembly decided to international sports world will be called a comprehensive sports Olympic Games held in Athens, the first modern Olympic Games, to 4 years, alternately in the various Member States.

In the traditional Chinese arts and culture of fish and water a symbol of prosperity and harvest design. Beibei bring blessing and prosperity. Fish is a symbol of Chinese culture earnings, another measure of a good year, a good day. Decoration Line Design of water wes from a well-known Chinese paintings over the past. five friends know Beibei gentle, pure. Water was robust, reflecting her blue Olympic ring. Jingjing to make the children smile - but also brought him hiness and he goes. He said that you look at his personality and lovely pure dance, causing a we of his black-and-white hair. as a national treasure and a protected species, the giant panda is worship. Lotus design Jingjing feet, which is encouraged by the porcelain paintings of the Song Dynasty (ad 960-1234), and forest green symbolizes the harmony between man and nature relationship. Jingjing was chosen as the representative, we hope that the gifts of nature - beautiful nature, the protection of future generations. Jingjing conservative na? ve optimistic . He is a well-known athletes, their strength is the black Olympic ring jingle competition cycle in the body, Huanhuan is the big brother. He is a child of fire, symbolizing the Olympic movement and the flame of passion - passion of the blessed, blessed him. Huanhuan Center for races at the core of the embodiment of the Olympic spirit. At the same time, he encouraged all the passion and management faster, jump higher, stronger, he is also open and the invitation. Huanhuan, according to a, please warmth of Beijing 2008 -- - and the wishful blessings of the Chinese people - can be felt. firery head master of the decorative designs from the Dunhuang murals - as long as the touch of traditional Chinese auspicious designs. Huanhuan is lively and warm. He is good at all the ball games, on behalf of the Olympic red ring. like antelope, flexible, fast and can quickly cover a lot of Yingying private land, he cross-racial. the symbol of the vastness of the face of China, and the blessings of antelope health, physical strength comes from harmony with nature. Love embodies the essence of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau endemic to the flight, the first animal to be protected. chose the Tibetan antelope promised a green Olympics in Beijing. the head of the decorative style of some from Qinghai and Xinjiang, Tibet's traditional culture and western ethnic design. Strong in track and field competition, the situation is wit flexible, agile young man is the yellow Olympic ring. annual spring, summer, children's kites Beijing flow into beautiful wind blow through the capital. in kite design, Gold Wing Yan is one of the most popular traditions. Nini's figure is from the tradition of grand design, the flight. Her golden wings symbolize the infinite sky and spread good luck wishes as she flies. Yan clearly "strict", the city is known as an ancient the capital city of Beijing. friends, is hy as a swallow naive. She is a strong, green Olympic gymnastics rings.






希腊人于公元前776年规定每4年在奥林匹亚举办一次运动会。 运动会举行期间,全希腊选手及附近黎民百姓相聚于奥林匹亚这个希腊南部的风景秀丽的小镇。公元前776年在这里举行第一届奥运会 时,多利亚人克洛斯在192·27米短跑比赛中取得冠军。他成为 国际奥林匹克运动会荣获第一个项目的第一个桂冠的人。

后来,古希腊运动会的规模逐渐扩大,并成为显示民族精神的盛会。比赛的优胜者获得月桂、野橄榄和棕榈编织的花环等。从公元前776年开始,到 公元394年止,历经1170年,共举行了293届古代奥林匹克运动会。公元394年被罗马皇帝禁止。

1875~1881年,德国库蒂乌斯人在奥林匹克遗址发掘了出土文物,引起了全世界的兴趣。为此,法国教育家皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦认为,恢复古希腊奥运会的传统,对促进国际体育运动的发展有 着十分重大的意义。在他的倡导与积极奔走下,1894年6月,在巴黎举行了首次国际体育大会。国际体育大会决定把世界性的综合体育运动会叫做奥林匹克运动会,并于雅典 举行第一届现代奥运会,以4年一次,轮流在各会员国举行。

在中国传统文化艺术的鱼和水的繁荣与收获的象征设计. 贝贝带来的祝福,并繁荣. 鱼也是中华文化的一个象征盈余,另一项衡量一个好年头,好日子. 装饰线的水浪设计取自著名国画过去. 五朋友,知道贝贝温柔、纯洁. 水上强劲,反映了她的奥运会蓝戒指. 晶晶微笑使孩子--而且也是他带来幸福快乐的推移而他. 他说,你看他的个性纯真可爱的舞蹈,引起一波他黑白毛. 作为国宝级的保育类及,大熊猫是人们崇拜. Lotus设计晶晶的脚,这是鼓舞宋代的瓷画(a.d.960-1234),象征着绿意和森林人与自然的和谐关系. 晶晶被选为代表,我们希望保护大自然的礼物--美丽的大自然,保护世世代代. 晶晶是保守na? ve乐观. 他是著名的运动员,他们的力量是黑色奥林匹克响叮当 在体内循环比赛,欢欢是大哥. 他是一个火孩子,象征着奥林匹克运动的和火焰--热情的祝福,祝福他. 欢欢中心站比赛为核心的奥林匹克精神的体现. 同时,他鼓励所有的与管理更快、跳得更高、更强是,他还公开和邀请. 而根据着欢欢,请温暖北京2008年--与中国人民的祝福如意--可以感觉到. firery的头部装饰设计大师来自敦煌壁画--只要触动中国传统吉祥设计. 欢欢是活泼热情. 他擅长所有的球类运动,代表奥林匹克红色的戒指. 像羚羊、灵活、速度快,可莺莺迅速复盖很大的私人土地上,他跨越种族. 浩瀚的象征中国的面貌,有羚羊的祝福健康、身体力量来自与自然和谐. 情的本质体现了对飞行特有的青藏高原,第一个受到保护的动物. 选择了藏羚羊为北京绿色奥运承诺. 头部装饰风格的装饰将一些来自青海和新疆、西藏传统文化与西部民族设计. 在田径比赛强,情是机智灵活、利落的小伙子是奥运会**光环. 每年春、夏、儿童风筝北京美丽的水流进风,通过资本冲击. 在风筝设计、金翼燕是最受欢迎的传统之一. Nini的这个数字是来自盛大的传统设计,飞行. 她金色的翅膀,象征着无限的天空,散布吉祥祝福作为她在苍蝇. 燕也明显"严"中,这座被称为是一种古老的北京首都. 朋友之间,是天真快乐作为吞下. 她是坚强的,是绿色奥运体操戒指.



All people come to meet in Beijing from everywhere, competing and visiting during those exciting 16 days and nights.?


Our people he a good tradition of hospitality and etiquette.


They he different customs, skin color and clothes. We should respect them.


This Games he a total of 26 items, and will produce 302 gold medals。We hope that our Chinese athletes can get good results in this Games。


As for me, it’s of significance to be a volunteer of 2022 Games. That’s because it’s a perfect opportunity to display China to the world. Therefore.



2008 national stadium brief introduction of Olympic game in Pekings

The main assembly hall of the 29th Olympic sports games, Be located on inside Peking Olympic park, the north of the stalk line in city in Peking carry of east side.Construct area 258,000 even rices, accumulate 204,000 even rices with the ground.In 2008 Olympic game period, undertake game activities, such as opening ceremony, closing ceremony, track and field events and man cup finals...etc., can accept audience 10 myriad peoples, sit 20,000 seats at the time among them.

2008 national swimming center of Olympic game in Pekings introduce

The national swimming center is located on inside Peking Olympic park and Olympic game in Peking symbolizes one of buildings in 2008.It lists on with national stadium cent the north of the stalk line of city in Peking carry of two sides, together become opposite integrity of history cultural in Peking city image.National programming construction of the swimming center uses ground 62950 square meters, total building area 65000-80000 square meters, among them underground part of the building area is no less than 15000 square meters.

Add up to 11 to lately set up a building

One national stadium

2 national swimming centers

3 national gymnasiums

4 Pekings shoot building

55 loosen a gymnasium

6 old mountain bicycle building

7 Olympic and aquatic parks

8 Chinese agriculture university, gymnasiums

9 University of Peking gymnasium

10 science and technology university gymnasium in Pekings

11 industrial university gymnasium in Pekings

11 change to set up a building

12 Ao body center stadiums

13 Ao body center gymnasiums

14 worker stadium

15 worker gymnasium

16 capital city gymnasiums

17 plentiful pedestal softball field

18 English easts swim building

19 old mountain bicycle field

20 shooting range flying saucer range in Pekings

21 science and engineering university gymnasium in Pekings

22 iation aerospace university gymnasium in Pekings

9 temporary field building

23 national meeting center fencing buildings


25 Olympic forest parks shoot arrow a field

26 Olympic tennis court in the forest parks

275 loosen baseball stadium


29 small round car match field

30 iron mans three match field


6 outside filed of play building in the Olympics cities

32 international sail boat center in Qingdaos

33 Olympics race court in Hong Kongs

34 stadium in Shanghais

35 Olympic stadium in Tienjins

36 five inside river stadiums

37 Qin Olympic stadium in the Huang island.


第29届奥林匹克运动会的主会场,位于北京 奥林匹克公园内、北京城市中轴线北端的东侧。建筑面积25.8万平米,用地面积20.4万平米。2008年奥运会期间,承担开幕式、闭幕式、田径比赛、男子足球决赛等赛事活动,能容纳观众10万人,其中临时坐席2万座。




1 国家体育场

2 国家游泳中心

3 国家体育馆

4 北京射击馆

5 五棵松体育馆

6 老山自行车馆

7 奥林匹克水上公园

8 中国农业大学体育馆

9 北京大学体育馆

10 北京科技大学体育馆

11 北京工业大学体育馆


12 奥体中心体育场

13 奥体中心体育馆

14 工人体育场

15 工人体育馆

16 首都体育馆

17 丰台垒球场

18 英东游泳馆

19 老山自行车场

20 北京射击场飞碟靶场

21 北京理工大学体育馆

22 北京航空航天大学体育馆


23 国家会议中心击剑馆

24 奥林匹克森林公园曲棍球场

25 奥林匹克森林公园射箭场

26 奥林匹克森林公园网球场

27 五棵松棒球场

28 沙滩排球场

29 小轮车赛场

30 铁人三项赛场

31 城区公路自行车赛场


32 青岛国际帆船中心

33 香港奥运场

34 上海体育场

35 天津奥林匹克体育场

36 五里河体育场

37 秦皇岛奥林匹克体育场。

The Games of the XXIX Olympiad will take place from 8 to 24 August 2008. The Games in Beijing will play host to the 28 summer sports currently on the Olympic program. Approximately 10,500 athletes are expected to participate in the Games, with around 20,000 accredited media bringing the Games to the world.

